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Old 05-05-2003, 05:02 AM
utahjeepr utahjeepr is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Santa Clarita, CA
Posts: 89
MREs !!! I hope you get the second generation meals.

The first gen MREs were pretty awful. Sure you can eat 'em, but you gotta be tough. I recall trying to feed an "omelette with ham" to a stray dog. The dog was wise enough not to touch it.

I personally haven't had an MRE since 10-94, and I don't miss 'em.

BTW if you really want a calorie load try getting the arctic version of MRE. They have something on the order of 5000 calories per meal (and we were issued 2 per day) Lots of good snack type stuff in those as well.
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