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Old 07-24-2002, 10:26 PM
HIGLET HIGLET is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Simi Valley CA USA
Posts: 469
Originally posted by TObject
Why is that jeep sideways on the trail?
First off Sergey - That is NOT a Jeep, that is a Discovery Series 2, with street tires, and a brush guard, and a roof rack for carrying the wildebeast home from the Safari

Now to your question.

He could not make it up that hill, no matter how hard he tried or how long he took, just couldn't do it. There is a little bump about 15 feet above him that he got a little crooked on, just a little. Well when they decided he wasn't going to make it they started to guide him down the hill, unfortunately he didn't understand the instructions from the spotter "straight back" which led to the comment from the spotter "not your straight my straight" That could possibly be the best thing I have ever heard from a spotter. Well dip**** got himself really sideways from not going straight, and was on the verge of rolling. He couldn't go forward or back because of the limitations of the trail, basically he Austin Power'd himself. They hooked up the winch to A) prevent him from going over and B) to straighten him out on the trail. Then the winching started, which pretty much involved them pulling until the guys brush guard smashed into the side of the hill and dented the driver's side. Oh yeah, that also snapped the wincher's front R&P and blew out his rear driveshaft because he didn't know to take it out of gear when winching. So he too had to be dragged down the hill.

Now that is one snippit of what happened that day with only about 30 LR's, I can't wait to get up there when there is supposed to be hundred's of them. On the Official website they state they had to change campsites this year because last years was too difficult to access for some of the vehicles.

This whole trip has been fun from the beginning and I'm not even there yet. They really freaked out when Jason signed me up with the Jeep. I got an accidental email from the organizer staing that they could just hide me in the back cuz they wanted my money, then followup apologies, then the Geez we can't wait to meet you, then the official welcome packet. One of the main sponsors is Jason's buddy who has been threatening to pull his sponsorship because of the way they have treated me. Ha, what a blast, and I haven't even done anything yet!

Anyway I am going to be the nicest Jeeper they have ever met, helpful, friendly, you know, completely opposite of reality. Then I'll start spreading disinformation, like winching with it in gear, stuff like that.

I hear the extreme run is the "No Whip" where you have to drive to the starbucks on Paine and get a Frappucino with no whipped cream! There is also the Von's Speedbump Challenge, that's only for the highly modifeid's though.
Sean M Higgins
Higlet's Jeep page

Deserves got nothing to do with it
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