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Old 11-28-2005, 09:50 AM
Matt Pascoe Matt Pascoe is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Lake Hodges, CA
Posts: 942
Sergey's fine example of boulder billiards.
Man do I wish I had caught that on film... It was like watching a bizzare slapstick comedy

Sergey managed to get a large round boulder under his belly pan that basically had all four tires off of the ground. With the finesse that only Sergey could muster he managed to rearrange the trail enough to get off of that boulder... and spin around right on to another perfectly shaped round boulder that had him dangling in the air once again.

As we all watched in disbelief, one of his tires caught enough traction to pull him off of that boulder and unearth yet another one that became perfectly placed under his belly to leave him dangling once again

That was good stuff

I had an awesome time! It was a real pleasere to meet Ron, Dave, John, Jeff and WhichMatt.

And Blaine and Katherine... what can I say... your hospitality is second to none!

Looking forward to doing it again soon.

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